This hasn't been the best Tuesday. I'm ill :( So I have been lying in the couch most of the day watching movies and I don't have any appetite, but maybe that's good though, a little diet. And my head feels like it's going to burst any second now.
But enough with the feeling-bad-talk! I really love the blog what-do-i-wear on Tumblr. She posts a lot of inspiring pictures for all around the web, like the pics above. So when my inspiration is zero it is great to visit that blog, check it out yourself! :)
I love your blog. would love it if you'd check out mine and follow me back if you like it! It also features my recently launched scarf line "charlotte and lisa". Check it out!
oooh such a pretty jacket in the first one!
I love the leather jacket! White shirts always worked with anything!
SvaraRaderaThanks for your comment! :)
xx Devi
The collar tip is so cute. It creates an added glam to the simple shirt.
SvaraRaderaMuch love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
SHOP: http://www.saboskirt.com
BLOG: http://www.saboskirt.blogspot.com
Great inspiration pictures! Nice blog!
SvaraRaderaFollow each other on blogspot&bloglovin?